Hi there !!

Welcome to my tech blog! This is where I jot down useful findings, tips, and solutions I’ve discovered along the way. While these notes primarily serve as my personal reference, I believe they might help others facing similar challenges. I hope you’ll find something valuable here.

Deploy a Amazon Linux 2023

Deploy a Linux machine Update OS sudo yum update -y . Update Hostname and check it sudo hostnamectl set-hostname DEV-VAR-OIDC2.apj.cloud hostnamectl Update TimeZone and check it sudo timedatectl set-timezone Australia/Sydney timedatectl DNS Settings - Make sure all the DNS servers are registered sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf Install some components for any Linux OS sudo yum install sssd-ad sssd-tools realmd adcli Install some components for Amazon Linux 2023. sudo yum install oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir Check the status of Active Directory realm discover apj.cloud ...

February 25, 2025

Ignore Settings in GitHub

How to Ignore Uploading Folders and Files to GitHub For example .venv folder Open your project folder in VS Code. Open .gitignore file in the root of the project Add the following line to .gitignore: .venv/ Save the file. then Git will ignore the .venv folder, and it won’t be tracked in your repository. If .venv was already committed before, you’ll need to remove it from Git history using: git rm -r --cached .venv git commit -m "Removed .venv from repository" git push origin main # or your current branch You can check if .venv is ignored by Git using the following command ...

February 25, 2025

Create a New Blog Post

Create a new blog post in HUGO Create a new file hugo new posts/create-a-new-blog-post.md Add Tag and Category to the header --- date: '2025-02-25T22:21:46+11:00' draft: false title: 'Create a New Blog Post' tags: ["Hugo", "Blog"] categories: ["Homepage"] --- Edit the blog page Check the page in debugging mode hugo server hugo serve Open the page from the browser http://localhost:1313/

February 25, 2025

Terraform Link to "tfvars" File

Terraform tfvars file When a tfvars file is in a different location, you must specify it using the “-var-file” option. However, creating a symbolic link can simplify the command operation. Create a symbolic link ln -s ../common.tfvars terraform.tfvars Run a simple terraform command without option terraform plan Screenshot of the process

February 18, 2025

How to Disable Sounds in vs Code

How to disable sounds in VS Code. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P). Search for “Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)” and select it. Add the following line inside the JSON file: "editor.accessibilitySupport": "off",

February 18, 2025

Create ICO File From SVG File

Using GIMP Open your SVG file in “GIMP” Resize to “256x256” pixels Click “File” → “Export As”, choose “.ico” format Save the file

February 10, 2025

Setup Fleet Manager

How to Enable GUI Access via Fleet Manager Ensure SSM Agent is Installed and Running Windows EC2 instances must have the “SSM Agent” installed and running. Check the status by the powershell command Get-Service AmazonSSMAgent Attach a Role with the following policies AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore AmazonSSMFullAccess (This is required for GUI access via Fleet Manager) How to access to EC2 via Fleet Manager Go to “Systems Manager” → “Fleet Manager” ...

February 9, 2025

Download From CloudShell

Copy certificate CloudShell Copy directory cp -r wildcard-v6 wildcard-v7 ZIP the directory zip -r wildcard-v7.zip wildcard-v7 Download from CloudShell See also: OpenSSL Server Certificate

February 9, 2025

OpenSSL (3) - Wildcard Server Certificate

Create a Wildcard Server Certificate Generate a key file (It can be one-off operation) openssl genrsa -out server/private/server.key 2048 Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) openssl req -config mid-ca/mid-ca.conf -key server/private/server.key -new -sha256 -out server/csr/XXX.csr Sign the request (CSR) by Sub-CA openssl ca -config mid-ca/mid-ca.conf -extensions server_cert_gcs -days 3650 -notext -in server/csr/XXX.csr -out server/certs/XXX.crt Generate PFX with NO password openssl pkcs12 -inkey server/private/gcs_server.key -in server/certs/XXX.crt -export -out server/certs/XXX.pfx -passout pass: Revoke a certificate openssl ca -config mid-ca/mid-ca.crt -revoke server/certs/XXX.crt cat mid-ca/index ...

February 9, 2025

OpenSSL (2) - Intermediate CA

Create a “Intermediate CA” certificate Generate a key file for “Intermediate CA” openssl genrsa -aes256 -out mid-ca/private/mid-ca.key 4096 chmod 400 Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) openssl req -config ca/ca.conf -new -key mid-ca/private/mid-ca.key -sha256 -out mid-ca/csr/mid-ca.csr Sign the request file by Root-CA openssl -config ca/ca.conf -extensions v3_mid_ca -days 3650 -notext -in mid-ca/csr/mid-ca.csr -out mid-ca/certs/mid-ca.crt chmod 444 Verify the content openssl x509 -noout -text -in mid-ca/certs/mid-ca.crt openssl veriry -CAfile ca/certs/ca.crt mid-ca/certs/mid-ca.crt CHECK ca/index.txt

February 9, 2025